We are pleased to announce that SINCO’s subsidiary - Astro Technology (Zhuhai) Limited, is now accredited with the International Automotive Quality Management System standard, IATF 16949 certification. ASTRO’S In-house Tooling Design and Manufacturing, Injection Molding (Single & 2K), LSR, Rubber/Silicon Hot Compression, Metal Stamping, CNC Machining, Painting, and assembly operations have demonstrated the capability to satisfy the requirements of the IATF 16949. 我们很高兴地宣布,SINCO 的子公司 – 宏茂科技(珠海)有限公司现已获得国际汽车质量管理体系标准 IATF 16949 认证。宏茂科技的内部模具设计和制造、注塑成型(单射&双射)、液态硅胶注塑、热压橡胶/硅胶、金属冲压、CNC 加工、喷漆和装配生产制程已证明有能力满足 IATF 16949 的要求。
Carbon Management – A Systematic Approach to Manage Greenhouse Gas Emissions (17-18 Oct 2024)

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